anyway allow me to continue my self -indulgence.
for the millionth time today. the distance seemed to grow larger with every passing of a second ._.
my job if you haven't figured out involves selling fish to unsuspecting tourists to feed rays.
my job granted me a knowledge of rays comparable to marine biologists. ok, im kidding and exaggerating but i bet i know more about rays than most ppl ._. not that most ppl care.
rays btw are not called stingrays in generic. they are just called rays generically.

Such a dreamer! Even when you're stuck in a rut, you still reach for the stars. Happy-go-lucky and trusting you may be, but silly you're not — you've definitely got a practical side. And no matter what the future holds for you, we know you'll have fun along the way!

shit. im starting to sound like jiahan. anyway my abrupt opening is because of my job which is getting more aimless than ever.
now im posted to the aimless manta ray / stingray/ ray pool what ever you call it. where basically my real job entails selling fish food to tourists.
in reality, my job entails a) opening the fridge
b) smelling the stinky fish
c) do a fake smile =D =) :D : ) [ if sai met ichimaru, im sure they would be good friends ]

ok, you get the idea of fake smiles. [sai : fake smiles are the easiest ways to get out of a difficult position]
anyways. back to my job
d) collect money/ give change if any and do more fake smiles :) :D =) =D
e) recite my chant like a robot ( you clamp the food in between my fingers like this. slide the food aginst the glass, when the sting ray comes you release)
f) close the fridge door.
e) do more fake smiles and wait for the next unsuspecting tourist to get scammed ( its 3 dollars for 6 pieces of tiny sardines, i think some ppl's meals are even cheaper than that. )
anyway with my vast experience while doing my job i have decided that sales talks only work on a certain group of ppl .
a) 75% of angmohs regardless of their nationality . boujour. hiya mate. hello. hi.
b) 0.001% of my friends from mumbai, besides having an abnormal fetish for salted popcorn and insanely sweet coffee[5 packets of sugar, 5 packets of milk, my colleague niao them say they dam ma fan that 1 must have alot of salt yet this one must be dam sweet. dam ironic] , they are extremely stingy and prolly wont pay. besides they are humji too. not like westerners more adventurous. altho some angmoh females are more bold than angmoh males. [actualli if it werent for my job i would be skeptical about sticking my hand down into a tank of hungry stingrays too.]
and oh yah. some australians have phobia for stingray because of steve erwin.
c)boyfriend/girlfriend group. note: girlfriend must look adventureous.
d)family group note: wife / other family mother must nto be so humji that she/he forbids anyone from stepping near the tanks of overzealous rays who slash water out of the tank whenever they are cranky.
on a random note. my spot is actually quite a good spot since im beside the touchpool as well as the ray pool which both involves alot of bending over which means i get to see alot of ... [hint what sid loves alot]
what were you thinking of you pervert. i mean kawaii jap girls =D =) :D :) some squeal kawaiiiiiiii neh~ whole day long ._. especially near insanely cute pink dolphin plushies
on another random note. i got 2 memorable/ funny customers today
a) one guy from mumbai approached me : are these dolphins or jellyfish? do they bite? *points to a nonchalent stingray
me: ...
b) one angmoh ask me : how do you get to dolphin lagoon
me: take red bus about 3 or 4 stops from here
angmoh: are they really pink *grinning
me: yah!
angmoh to girlfriend (also angmoh) : SEE? i told you!
angmoh to me( not angmoh hor ._.) : are they gay *grinning more widely
me: ...
angmoh's girlfriend :*smacks angmoh's butt
both angmoh and angmoh's girlfriend leave without buying food and grinning.
me: ...
anyway besides meeting interesting ppl and looking at rays, then looking at the clock and wished time moved faster, then looking back at the rays again and the ocasional staring at kawaii jap girls. i got insane alot of time to 胡思乱想. which made me reflect, and sigh more and regret. so if u spot a loud sigh somewhere in underwater world its me ._. and no its not about np. altho thats also filled with regrets. but that's another story
on a last random note:
on my off days i spend them either playing dota or watching heros
HIRO <3 china ="D">
tell me what you think. nice eh?
actually was back since yesterday but too lazy cause im caught up with stuff.
will post more constructive stuff soon, including long overdue photos but then again may never happen cause i have an insane amount of things to keep myself busy with.
(not really but this is a transitional sentence._. ) it's a good feeling to be back on the net and chatting but ironically the person i want to chat with most hasn't talked with me yet =( and i know the person will read this. haha. self-indulgence.
z. boring day. with the usual dota kakis wasting time away at utp. i was wasting time away chionging naruto manga until neji vs kidomaru._.
leaving for china tml. wont be back till like 8 days later. bye.
i woke up with a bad dream.
actually it was a good dream. you know those kind of good sweet dreams... so good... too good ... too immeasurably good that when you wake up you curse yourself when you realize that such dreams would never come true.
anyway. just a short post cause i haven't got much time.
sai and yamato look like filler characters.
pu gong ying de yueding damn nice. and yep its because its from the qu of xiao yu xie lie ke bai. yay.
on a sidenote Jay's album rocks! thnx lee
im working
and i rarely have off days
and when i have off days i spend them doing:
a) reading da vinci code (sophie is a nice name!)
b) chioning my Brave Story (thought i was gay overlvled but was overpowered by some nubbies in a weird dungeong so im putting it on hold ><)
c)finishing bleach and naruto anime (which i put on hold due to EXAMS)
d) finshing bleach manga (zomg dam sexciting [short for so exciting what are you thinking you pervo] all the captains come! [well not all. dun read if you dun wish to be spoit]
e) now currently chionign naruto manga.
and o. nell from
this become

but became back to
this^ in the end =(
~ ahh such a productive weekend.
im putting off blogging cause catching up with bleach so sooooo freaking exciting. zomg!~ and my fav orihime scene is over =(
anyway for all u interested people who haven't guessed yet here's a teaser.
blatant clue! well if you still haven't a clue....
here's an even more blatant pic!
more pics to come when i have the time to blog!
aniway this is what i actually said to linky in response.
╔VeGnAgUnX╝ does it matter. really/ says:
i plan to work in ir if i fail to open my coffee shop
╔VeGnAgUnX╝ does it matter. really/ says:
so this is my stepping stone
╔VeGnAgUnX╝ does it matter. really/ says:
qian shi wan neng de
╔VeGnAgUnX╝ does it matter. really/ says:
mei you qian
╔VeGnAgUnX╝ does it matter. really/ says:
is wan wan bu neng de
lol. im a materialistic gold worshipping mindless robot. i know.
but what to do. i knew i had no goal in life the day you left mine.
when i read your thoughts.
and noticed how you have changed.
whilst i have not.
does it matter really?
that i have a millions things to say to you.
but i cant find the words to say.
does it matter really?
that you used to ask me to stay
and now you wouldnt't stay
even if i asked you
does it matter really.
that i haven't forgotten.
whilst you already have...

in fact i think next week still have to top up...
but... but ... but
only BSP people pay only if not enough money la.
For one, I do not doubt that Wenbo had any ill intentions, much least steal our money, as liu zhen had shown in the previous mail. As a close friend to him, I do know that he is doing this for the class good. No issues about this. The reason why I pointed out that he was saying that they are using our money with a tone that seemingly (li suo dang ran) took us for granted. When i saw zhengxian's email saying that he will rather spend it on the chalet rather than sponsorship, I just had a sense of unjust for him. And I posted that email without much thoughts. At that point of time, I was not really feeling angry, just that teeny weeny bit of unjust.
But as you all know, in a conversation, words will provide 10 percent of the meaning while tone provides the other 90 percent.
Thus we all can interpret the same sentence for a different meaning.
Apparently, wenbo's first email's casual tone provoked me unintentionally, subsequently, my "li suo dang ran" provoked him. Same logic, as i realised. So how could I fault him for a misunderstanding that i will make as well.
So you see, this actually leads to Wenbo posting another mail that was having the "grapes" thing, I am very sure that he did not think through about the effect before he posted it as well, just like me when I posted the first email.
It all started out with me saying
...Wiped out. sorry people... sorry for adopting this casual tone for this forum has always been casual
next, my reply to victor's message saying pu tao thingy. i was provoked by his word li suo dang ran. is it wrong to have inform you of something or should i have just kept quiet? no one cared about the class... no one bothered to inform you about the funds... about so much of the class... and how many people have been handling the class matters... think! and me for informing you, i got the word li suo dang ran. that was "nice" victor seriously. i apologise for the tone but do i have any ill intention? did i put any money in my own pocket? did you noe i risked 130 dollars for the proed night.... what if the money really used up? do i get back the money? you noe how difficult it is to collect money from the class right...
so that was what i thought... so i used the word pu tao eventually...
sorry for this tone.
every1 talking bout their depressing results and all. some bragging about their zai kia ones. if you want a gd metaphorical sense of exams u shd go to
Victor's blog >>www.crazyhamster.net
the wenbo pic is ABOSOLUTELY hilarious fabulous. need i say more.
and like everyone else i shall devote a portion of my post whining about how i cannot get that elusive 1.00. im currently bordering 1.2 1.3 thereabouts.
that means the 1000 bucks cheque for 1.00 is gone too.
but im prooud to say i survived 11 consecutive papers! a proud achievement yes.
*abrupt link to MTG*
and last week i played my first lorywn draft! which got me scammed into playing merfolk but i shant regret after already spending quite a bit on them already. its BLATANT Wizards is unfair to elves. and some still complain say wizard love blue more than white.
green is the new in.
we'll just have to wait for morningtide.
and i swear never to go to ACS [asiancardshop yes the one in bishan ho hum) to buy cards or booster packs anymore ( ok la mayb i just ask friends help me get if i despo)
cause they
so be warned don't go there anymore.
with that i painfully swore off buying mtg boosters (except for draft matches maybe yes they are so fun. )
ok this was a stupid post merely here so my blog wont be stagnating, yes i know boring post no pics
so please come back my readers whoever you are and look out for new content. a new skin i hope. =/
I found an excellent way to relieve myself from being bottle-necked and the solution was...
unlike previous times where i ran purely for 2.4 training, this time i ran around aimlessly for at least 20 minutes and explored a bit of redhill. Without a goal in mind, jogging becomes a leisurely treat and supposedly scientifically it releases some hormones to releive stress.
anyway im just randomly crapping while trying to finish my od script then i found out this coolio batman quote which i forgot.
Bruce Wayne: It's not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines me
have fun!
pls don't read my previous post if you are already feeling the heat from the fact that they are 8 days away (8 days every week! -.-" no link )
i did some blog surfing as usual, mrbrown never fails to comment on sth zai
Seen on http://www.doingitwrong.com/wrong/20070531-230935.jpg
and this is an example of a motivational poster that oon loves so much. a habit he picked up from a *cough*cough website
and supposedly this cough cough website encourages anonymity and this poster was designed by him (or so he claims) it was no.1 on google hit for mikuru lol
im lazy to upload the pic. and it spoils the G rating for my blog anyway.
have fun!
has been like at least 1 hour plus since i came back from tuition in punggol. so empty i sang ju hua tai loudly and there was no one to laugh at my singing. even had time to do 2 pull-ups before the train moved. (punggol is the terminal you see)
sitting on the empty train, there was plenty of time for self-reflection.
im an ass/fag/bastard.
for all the things i did. im sorry. to everyone.
^signs of moodiness + extreme low selfesteem for no apparent reason prolly due to exam stress though.
theres a bunch of things which if i could, i would do differently.
then i wouldnt be so negative right now.
someone once said this "to the world, you may be just another person. but to another person, you may be the world."
discounting relatives, i think this might have applied to me like say a few months ago but now i don't find it applicable anymore.
sure, if i disappeared from the face of the earth some time later, ppl would weep and cry. for a period of time. and forget about it.

and if you ask me. i think this picture says a thousand words.
then at some point, some guy will say "but you got friends what."
yah friends no doubt, but not extremely good friends. not in class anyway. in the past in primary sch i used to have a bunch of dam good friends, but now i cant even remember their brithdates or not even sure when was the last time i talked to them. in class now, especially when partners are needed or something, theres always a feeling of being left out, (not like xm la) but still. not that i have anything against my class. but i must point out that prolly the only thing the class will ever do together is mug dam hard and aim to be top this year, like every other term. ok except maybe niao xm and jensen but thats another point.
Grades : No.1
Class Spirit: none existant, else negligible.
then at some other point. some guy will say " well you still got your ep3 friends" correction. had. ever since npcc ended (in a fashionably unhappy way with all kinds of crap and shit and ramifications i get for my stupid actions), prolly the only np guy i see daily is sid . and thats on bus where he does his job of waking me up when we reach hc. thats all. ok la maybe this is the exams period, hopefully after that there would be more gatherings and such. but still i dun think im anyone's bestest best friend. dun ask me why, i just get this kind of shitty feeling.
and thats y i sigh for no apparent reason. esp when i got nothing better to do or when negative thoughts appear in my head. like they do so very often these few days. over the *** incident and over other * cough incidents.
im trying my best not to be a fag. i talk dam di shen xia qi now. try not to speak my mind so freely and process my thoughts before saying some stupid things before regretting much later.
so pls. stop niaoing and all that sorts. im tyring my best. im tired.
like the fas thingy, yes i know some ppl are in much more dire straits than me. i know of ppl who earn less than 1 k but cmon la the things i own dun cost as much as say a whole library of hentai figurines or macbooks. but im not scamming lah. one of the reasons why i develpoed this ocd sort of hadbit is because i was afraid of wasting money if i let the water tap run.
EDIT: lol i re-read my post and felt stupid typing this -.-" prolly just one of the minimum points of my sin curvy life.
ok enough time spent. cant wait for my hacylon helicon days!
after some time of feeling stupid i wasted so much time typing this crap.
anyway we did rat dissection in bio today. i don't have the vids nor the pics but will surely show a link when i do. initially very revolting and im sure many felt nauseous as well. which strengthened by conviction that i am not cut out to be a doctor since you supposedly have to dissect a human (dead 1 la of course) at your 2nd year or seomthing. and im friking afraid of blood. (though not to the extent like quek) the most interesting thing was the infinite bladeworks tingy where like 5 benches worth of scapels and scissors was stabbed into the poor mice. again, will show the pics when i get it. (which is like when? never?)
lol and alot of dpks putting 4XXX on their msn supposedly praying for some it emergency lmaos.
and 6 - 7 mrts are hellish and the possibility of getting molested is damn high where every1 is packed like sardines. maybe i watch too much jap anime and amazing race.
and i think either my com just aping me or cbox aping me whichever, if you want to tag and its down simply refresh and it will come out.
因為妳說, 說到做到.
提的起放的下, 才有男人的味道.
我都會做到 .
1. the person who tagged you is:
2. the relation w him/her is:
ex-npcc / nextdoor neighbourclassmaid. (thats a mouthful)
3. 5 impressions you have of him/her:
a)achiever who thinks he is underachieving. (lol)
b)guy who spends alot of thime thinking about an insane amount of things
c)somehow the image of him wearing trackshorts doing some idiotic dance keeps playing on my head when im typing this. i duno where i got that memory from.
d)guy who went up and took more than 3 prizes on pday and laments about it later.
e) the last 1 rather obvious. i shall not comment
5. the most memorable words he/she has said to you:
*idiotic laughter before doing idiotic dance in trackshorts. (i think its some random camp or something. no this is not otto-ing)
6. if he/she becomes your lover, you will:
highly unlikely, unless he met otto. and thats if i meet otto as well. so probability = o (on the other hand he can always get pointers from THE JENSEN)
7. if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be:
wtf is he doing with otto and jensen anyway. ( lol pls take this in light-hearted humour no ill-intent involved)
8. if he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
uum... be sad?
9.if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
getting pissed off because i think lydia looks like lara.
10. the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is:
a) tell him he answered this question wrongly on his blog.
b) then laugh
11. your overall impression of him/her is:
zai kia
12.how you think people around you will feel about you:
lol im in a semi "-" mode now so i can prolly list a whole list of bian yi ci.
13. the characteristic you love about yourself is:
dunno leh.
14.the characteristic you hate about yourself is:
almost everything that needs to be changed -> esp speaking my mind at the most inappropriate of times and get disastrous ramifications afterthat.
15.the most ideal person you want to be is:
i'd rewind and still be myself, in a different way so not to ocmmit past mistakes.
16. for people that care and like you, say something to them:
17. a) im lazy
b) theres like almost zero other ppl i can pass to. namely because all have been passed and i aint very enthu in expanding my list of affiliates.
c)i dun wish to answer the next part of the quiz -.-"
d)somehow i can only think of victor who prolly already been tagged by jieyang. -.-"
so. ho . hum.
The Odex saga has been a much hyped-up episode by the media and recently there has been some new "events" happening.
I found this out from mrbrown and slowly linked to other webs.

Yes, this is the protest that we have been reduced to. A short peaceful protest by anime lovers / otakus at the *scape at youth park. All they did was to take photos of figurines protesting. but look what a crowd they attracted...

heres some of the protestors in action. a man sized ultraman was purpotedly found there as well.
oon says these guys just made themselves potential assrape victims of odex since their names are now known. lol.
images taken from http://yipingotakuworld.wordpress.com/2007/08/26/our-drill-will-thrust-through-the-heavens/ and http://textfiend.net/zerohero/?p=454
dam interesting.
anyway i stumbled upon the hare hare dance! by both real ppl and pikachu! (yes i know yunheng you posted this before -.-")
and of course the original version. !hearts mikuru! and of course haruhi
anyway ST published scandels of disney stars today. and ofcourse vanessa hudgens was not left out. and they showed a photo of her OBVIOUSLY photoshopped wearing underware. that was dam blatantly photoshopped in and still say only photos of her wearing little clothing were leaked -.-" and o i didnt know ashley tisdale had a waldrobe malfunction -.-"
thats all for gossip corner today.
well we lost.
not exactly. i mean we tried our best
thanks to :
ms esther cheong
my lovely understanding grp members
my classmates and friends esp lovely victor for his vid (without which we would not have entertained the audience.
no more.
lol. i must admit im not that great a partner. i get tempermental esp when under pressure.=/ so thanks for bearing with me.
now for ego part.
wakakaka. all the vids you see are conceptualized by ME!
all the boardgame u see are conceptualized by ME!
and the vids have a secret meaning behind them. will upload when have time. (thats like when...)
and heres all i can say for the NKF grp
"i want the beaches to say, kor kor, thank you for clearing the beaches"
i stumbled upon elisius (whatever u spell)'s blog and if you reli reli want to see the pic go to his blog. lol. although he censored it.
tjhen i stumbled on jasper's blog. and dang stupid la he put his photobucket private so i cant click on it. but i think i wasnt in that photo when it was taken.
i have to say the skin quite coolios
and i still cant find kanzy's blog. lol.
all my friends are
a) either mugging blatantly in front of me
b) cataloging their mugging chronicles on their blogs.
and thats why i decide to mug something today other than PW because the past few days have been eaten up by a barrage of commontest and SPAs. which for today i forgot to include plot graph. zzz.
anyway, in a bid to make my posts more interesting. heres ur weekly ang moh gossip fodder!
i read this on the newspaper today and this vid was quite high on youtube hits.
yes, its our lovely britney. (now reduced to a bald FAT prude.) whos prancing around in her "nice figure". look out for the celebrities face during 2.xx dam funny. they are like thinking" wtf happened to her" or "wtf is this blob of oil doing on the stage?"
her dancing was reviewed by popcorn as no energy but i thought it was quite good except for the fact that she looks like a blob of fat wobbling on stage. and one must also take into consideration her rather "excellent" lip-syncing.
it must be some kind of coincidence that only a few days after i blogged about vanessa her naked pics *gasp* leaked online. to which her spokemans can only say" this is bad for a star of a children show" supposedly its taken 3 years ago and all her fans are rallying to support her. ( i read that on an article. no funny ideas there.) so there goes the supposedly only clean teen idol on american tv. pft.
ok now i blogged about that i bet all you pervy ferrets (notice allegory to negi ma. not that anyone who reads this reads that.) are gonna google it.
to save your trouble
HAH! Im right. pervos.
hav fun mugging all' tahts all for today.
all work and no play makes ____ (insert your name here) a dull boy.
haruhi ep 1 / 2 daaam funny!
"all animes must have a lolita looking character with big boobs " - haruhi

i promised to do a post. on npcc. but all the things cropped up.
anyway im dam sad. sad that it has all ened. for others its a beatiful full stop. a fullstop i will never have.
yes its my fault no matter how you try to argue. there is blood on my head (figuratively la). now ppl look at you jeeringly/jealously. and stab you gossips and all.( i have elaborated enough on this and i shant dwell on). can only say i'm damn sad. mine isnt and never will be a full stop.
and all my merits (if any. im sure there is. the salt centre shifting we have all put alot of effort into it. sec1 orientation and all the other misc stuff as well). erased and marred by this single stupid fault.
. < thats the full stop which i will never get.
not forgetting a certain someone who prolly blocked me already.
as usual oon and gang (ie the whole row) chatted like crows. but behind more noisy.
yiding. like marcus refuses to lend me =( . but one month later might got chance.
unlike marcus.
lol the gap is intentional. and. i take my words back. theres ONE (1) cutie. =D
yu gi oh fans! or ipod fans! or both!
anyway admire the art quite pro
not posting the vid cause the girl not very chio. lol. just very unteresting and lmao. some random ppl trying ff characters hairstyle. i stumbled upon.
lol haruhi ep 1 daaam funny.
"why is she wearing that licentious cloth?"
"lets establish the fact that she is a combat maid. as to why shes combating and is a maid that does not matter"

really his com can change spelling itself! im sure arh.
anyway this mainly stems from my endless frustration because marcus refuse to lend me his secret ost. zomg track 20 dam nice. (read head over to taisoon blog to see his illegally posted imeem music) its my fav part of the movie!
yes this post is about screenshots. and heres another funny thing taht happened recently.

yes. damn funny. ugbc getting friend invites from porn adult friendmaking websites .
and i found this song
>>> sadness and sorrow . while randomly clicking on one of victor's readers lol.
apparently, its a dam popular naruto song.
ok fine im dumb. its the bgm from hokage's funeral. ><
but its nice la.
and... i simply cannot resist coping this gif. can see its inspired from vival la rock mv from naruto
dam cute pls...
EDIT: wtf doenst show as gif. o well i'll just direct link.
nice hor.
alot of ppl keep reminding me of the impending eoys zzz. yes yes i know. time is short. and gf rehersals taking up even more time.
about magic alot of ppl like 3 fen zhong re du gone liao want quit lol. i'll persist but i'll pause esp when i realize my boostering luck so bad. ><
heres a coolio quote to keep your happy juice flowing.
If you only search for perfection in life, you may end up losing something more important than what you end up finding~...
anyway this was what my tuition teacher told me. i went there expecting a test and turned out to be a mini lesson before the test -.-"
translated from chinese:
there was once a girl (i forgot her name zao sth lets just call her a) supposedly 16 years old. met some cook in a random hawker centre. fell in love with him. went out to dates etc. then a's parents found out and whacked her and scolded her hoping that she will realize her folly. but a still persisted. than out of exasperation, a's father went to tell a's form teacher.
a's form teacher went and talk to a on one day and said " you are just like a diamond, how can u let someone who only used the cost of a pebble to buy your diamond?"
the girl thinking that the form teacher is hinting to her ... something went back to reflect.
then on her way back, she saw her lover, flirting with some aunties at the hawker centre and felt disgusted that she even like him.
so the next day, she realized she liked her form teacher instead (-.-") but didnt do anything and translated her love into her power for mugging.
.... time passed ...
graduation day, she did damn well, form teacher came to congratulate her. she held her breathe, heart beating furiously and confessed her love for him "i found my diamond. its you"
the teacher smiled and patted her on her head (my tuition teacher say fu muo ta xiang hai zi yi yang bu shi fei li ta) "diamonds are precious and takes experience and time to find. " and so rejected her
...time passed...
she married some random uber handsome guy and told this to her husband and her husband told her to write the story down (prolly thats how my teacher knew of it)
and so she end with saying "diamonds are precious and takes experience and time to find. do you think you have the experience?"
and this was the lead in to a class about high occrunaces of teenage sex. -.-"
anyway, i realized how pervy SOME [notice the word some. ie a limited few. so dun say its over generalization] girls can be. (i dunno them 1 la caused its combined class) aniway when teacher say "shang chuang" one of them giggled and whispered "on sofa also can what" to the girl next to her. than more giggling -.-"
than another random time. while writing zuo wen. another of the girls sitting behind say " how to say "p***s"[censored] in chinese arh?" more giggling.
ok thats all. for today lmaos.
im enlarging my text so more readible.
"short post due to procrastination" which btw has become quite hefty. heheh.
i'm blogging cause im totally pissed at a lvl whereby the mission objective is to beat off (scare off) calamity and raider. but to unlock secret lvl have to defeat/destroy them. most of the time the ai dam smart. low hp fly off leaving me helplessly looking at them. if not when u fighting at the border u hit them they fly out of the border and u just wave bye bye to them. super pissing.
i apologize for my weird behaviour yesterday and my even weirder recent posts. lol. bah. weird.
the past few days were a bore. especially yesterday (waited for 3 hours for paintball, rain. cancel. stone. day wasted. go ny.
the concert today ended dam early. so after the gifting, i
then went over to pri sch which is another total waste of time. lol. sorry couldnt watch the ratty show =x became sorta anti-social for some reason. firstly before the some reason appeared i was like playing *** all the time. then got bored cause i couldnt concentrate. den after that appeared very "sad" in some ppl's words or "quiet" in mrs lees words. imagine. i pratically just dun in one isolated corner by myself looking very forlorn. lol. thats pretty much what happenened. at least got to see mm and mrs lee.
i somehow totally hate thses kind of class gatherings. they always have damn carthaic effect on me. last yr and this yr was true epitomization of so far yet so near, though different in their own ways. last year i met my best friend of 6 years after like 3 years of seperation (so dramatic!) anyway. he changed like dam lot, talk differently look different, and i guess its the effect of shu yuan. someone who was so close to you suddenly seems like a stranger now.
this year sama sama. though not best friend. but something worst.
when your smile isnt mine anymore.
thank god we're still friends.
i was totally spamming songs to keep these bad thoughts out of my head ><

wakakak familiar pics from someone. anyways this song quite nice. firsth eard it by kit then by kelly. then heard it during the musical as well.
anyways linking back to the sch trip

literally at opposite poles.
wakakaka blury pics so gossipy ppl cant really see quite well. anyway the purpose of the pic is to highlight what phototaking strats i have been employing at grp photos lol. see if u can spot. nthn to do with poles
haiya. getting quite sad nowaways. lesser and lesser ppl turn up. =(
some1 suggested a class chalet. maybe we should have one at the end-of year.
speaking of eoy , exams are coming. it seems jsut like yesterday when i was aying to myself "aiya, so fast june holidays over liao" now is "wtf september holidays start liao". have to mug soon. esp when time is so precious with gf rehersals and all.
anyway besides buffing myself up at the gym / swimming / excercize (im dam small la >< ) and working my ass off to atone for my sins during the hols, im still cracking my brains on what to do. but those should be enough.
today practically just stoned because i was dreading *** ramifications and all.
damn pissing really.
and i just realized a unique link. so far only a select few bunch of hoodlums from a certain con niaoed us about it. so what those it mean?
lol random spouting.
maybe that con just likes gossiping more.
anyway on the note of gossiping

img from http://teenscoop.wordpress.com/2007/08/23/zac-and-vanessa-steam-up-the-hot-100-charts/
zac efron (*also starred in hairspray!) and vanessa hudgens are dating! < not taht anyone who reads this knows them anyway.
anyway they were originally from the cast of high sch musical and i think they got together at high sch musical 2. im not really into the show but my sis is a big fan of it. she got like the original dvd + soundtrack -.-" before singapore even got wind of it ( from disney channel you see.) and this song is soaring at the us charts although i cant seem to find anything special. ah wells.
so in the end this is what we told ourselves, gave our best.
if we in or out both have pros and cons so we'll just let heaven decide.
the impression is done.
the name is marred.
and i cant do anything about it.
so pls. stop talking if you dunno whats gd for you.
EDIT: i wish ppl would be more sensitive. obviously some of us are not very happy about this. jealousy no doubt have turned many a man against each other. and you do not know your words have adverse far-reaching effects. so spare me your gossips. zzz
with regards to my lvl 81 alakazam. lol. i was a noob last time and had an abnormal liking for abra. so i put all my eggs in a basket and pia my abra - > kadabra trade trade back to alakazam den let it solo elite 4. (yellow version but pikachu only like lvl 23 - 32 like that). and yes . alakazam did solo elite 4 and only after like dozens of failed attempts it managed to SOLO them. with the help of alot of full restores of course. <--- random crazy talk
*don't laugh in front of your screen.
i practically spent the whole day doing pw today from 11 - like 6 or 7. =/ tml must do work liao. hope our work pays off though. xD
and no the effects have not wore off even though i bog myself down with work. even my dreams are haunting me now.
day/dream 1 : me with random ppl, defined as xxx, yyy sees and daos me and talks to xxx. feels zibei, wakes up. (soso nightmare. quite terrifying)
day/dream 2: me alone sees yyy with zzz(whom i have no idea how they even met this means im like going crazy liao) never dao me but that makes it even worse. [crazy nightmare, i couldnt fall back to sleep even after flipping in my bed for quite a while]
anyway heres the original version of the day you went away. supposedly sang by some trilingual band M2M.
please say its damn nice please...
Verse 1
Well I wonder could it be
When I was dreaming ’bout you baby
You were dreaming of me
Call me crazy, call me blind
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time
Pre-chorus 1
Did I lose my love to someone better
And does she love you like I do
I do, you know I really really do
Well hey
So much I need to say
Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there’s only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
Verse 2
I remember date and time
September twenty second
Sunday twenty five after nine
In the doorway with your case
No longer shouting at each other
There were tears on our faces
Pre-chorus 2
And we were letting go of something special
Something we’ll never have again
I know, I guess I really really know
The day you went away
The day you went away
Pre-chorus 1
Why do we never know what we’ve got ’til it’s gone
How could I carry on
The day you went away
Cause I’ve been missing you so much I have to say
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
The day you went away
The day you went away
disregarding the fact that britney is a fat
And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
i read an article on bao mi hua sometime ago to take it as a lesson or sth , just like what quek told me and felt better. but now its back again. bah.
anyway. in a random link apparently some SCGS girl was seen (k) [type on msn if you dunno what it means ---.---"] some random band guy [read: some guy name jason according to some source i dunno him though but he confirm not sec4] lol. thats like daaaaam crazy.
i havent been watching bleach or naruto for damn long la. i dunno whats gotten into me.
the day you went away
the day you went away,
i didnt cry like
a) some random p6 day last day of sch i think
b) pop
c) when my lvl 81 alakazam got dlted by my sister (lol)
but my heart bled to death

ok this is a gd example of an emo pic. by an emo kid as proclaimed by marcus goh. that fag. (see aug 22 post if you have no idea why he is a fag)
this is what i posted for the comments. no they are not baised, i think every1 would think so.
Other comments:
The sabbatical was split into 2 parts, one consisting of building a k-bot facilitated by external vendors, the other was taken charge by 2 secondary 4 students. I have no qualms about the kbots session as it was well thought out and informative. However, I wish to highlight that the 2nd part of the sabbatical, taken charge by the 2 secondary 4 students was extremely poorly planned, hence resulting in poor allocation of time and hence failed to achieve its intended objective and failed to capture the participants interest, hence marring whatever good there was of the sabbatical. I strongly suggest that a teacher be around to supervise facilitators(even if they are already secondary 4) in order for participants to fully enjoy the sabbatical or ensure that facilitators are competant enough.
One positive highlight:
External vendors were extremely helpful, the same cannot be said for the internal facilitators though.
although i think we still had fun making figurins out of blutack! pics from linky soon. junkang is teh imba ><
on a sidenote, went to bishan cause i had 150 bucks in my pocket. lol. but didnt spend all la. spent around 10 bucks nia.
i learnt a lesson today. dont touch cards when your hands are wet.